Girl Friday (noun): a female assistant (as in an office) entrusted with a wide variety of tasks
“Girl Friday.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 26 Mar. 2022.
Girl Friday 4 God
The inspiration for Girl Friday 4 God came from a young girl with a question. “Why can’t girls be priests?”
The conversation that followed started with an explanation of how God chose to become incarnate (“take on human form”) as a man. It continued with how Jesus, God incarnate, selected men to follow Him and lead His church. And, it seemingly concluded with the reason that priests could only be men is because we were following the example set by God.
However, the conversation did not end there. In fact, the conversation took a wonderful turn.
Instead of focusing on the “why can’t”, the conversation became focused on a new question. “What can girls (and women) do to serve God?”
We discussed how women had an active role in the earthly ministry of Jesus nearly 2000 years ago and how they still play an important part today. Then, we brainstormed ways that girls and women can serve God.
Girl Friday 4 God has been designed as a resource to provide ideas, information, and support for girls and women seeking to serve God.