There are many ways that you can serve God by serving others. Some people choose a vocation of service. Others serve in specific ways for a period of time.
Here are ways that you can be a Girl Friday 4 God by serving others.
- Women Religious [Sisters or Nuns]
- Director of Religious Education
- Chair of Theological Studies
- Parish Operations / Office Manager
- Social Ministry Coordinator
- Faith Formation Teacher or Aide
- Altar Server
- Sacristan
- Greeter / Usher
- American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter
- Bible Study Coordinator
- Ministry Lead or Participant
- Cantor / Singer
- Composer / Songwriter
- Organist / Musician
- Liturgical Dancer / Choreographer
- Lector / Reader
- Communion Minister
- Liturgical Coordinator
- Livestream Camera Operator
- Graphic or Visual Artist
- Web Designer / Content Manager
- Artist / Sculptor
- Spiritual Mother

The Sisters of Life are just one of the many Catholic religious orders for those who feel called to serve God as their vocation. The Sisters live in community with one another and take vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. In the case of the Sisters of Life, they also take a vow to protect the sacredness of human life. Prayer and service are important parts of the religious life.
Francesca LaRosa is a composer, singer-songwriter, and speaker. Among many other projects, she composed liturgical music for all 150 of the Psalms. She creates melodies which encourage others to worship God in good times and in times of trial.
“He who sings, prays twice.”
St. Augustine of Hippo

Ugochi leads the congregation in song as a cantor during church services and liturgies. We lift our voices up to God in praise. Many of the lyrics for the songs we sing come from the Bible. God desires to hear the voices of all His people – including you!
Accompanying the cantor, musicians can play different instruments, including the piano, to help others worship God. Groups with guitars, violins, drums and other instruments can help us explore our emotions and our relationship with God.

Pat is a Sacristan at her parish. In this role she does a variety of things, like setting up the books used by the priests and lectors and making sure the altar is ready for the Mass and other liturgical celebrations. In her service, she comes in close and regular contact with God Himself in the Holy Presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,
We praise You, Lord.
We bless You, Lord Jesus Christ, Our God
for the Deaf Ministry here at Church. Amen.