Works of Mercy are charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbors in their bodily and spiritual needs.
Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 2447
You can be a Girl Friday 4 God by helping with the needs of the people around you.
You can provide for the needs of their body. We call these Corporal Works of Mercy.
- Feed the hungry.
- Give water to the thirsty.
- Clothe the naked.
- Shelter the homeless.
- Visit the sick.
- Visit the imprisoned.
- Bury the dead.
You can provide for the needs of their spirit. We call these Spiritual Works of Mercy.
- Instruct the ignorant.
- Counsel the doubtful.
- Admonish or correct the sinner.
- Bear patiently with those who wrong you.
- Forgive the offenses of others.
- Comfort the afflicted.
- Pray for the living and the dead.
It is important in all of your works that you act in love. Treat others in the way you would want to be treated. When doing corporal works, be gentle and kind so the person receiving your kindness is less likely to be embarrassed at needing help. When doing spiritual works, be respectful and keep in mind that the other person may need time to accept or understand your words or actions.